This site offers a simple JSON API to make it easier to write programs that interact with it.
A list of networks can be obtained via the /api/nets URL. By the default, only the list of names is retrieved.
If you pass the option /api/nets?full=True, then a dictionary with all properties for each network is retrieved, instead of only a list.
You can restrict the output to a set of tags by passing them as arguments, e.g. /api/nets?tags=Social,Offline.
A dictionary with information on a particular network can be obtained via the URL /api/net/<name>, where <name> is the network entry. For examle: /api/net/advogato.
All network files have a predictable URL pattern in the form /net/<name>/files/<net>.gt.zst, where <name> is the network entry, and <net> is the particular sub-network in the entry (in case there is a single one, then <net> is the same as <name>). For examle: /net/advogato/files/
This API can also be accessed conveniently from the graph-tool library.
A dictionary corresponding to a particular dataset is obtained via:
import graph_tool.all as gt
Individual networks can be downloaded via:
g = gt.collection.ns["advogato"]
For datasets with multiple networks, the dictionary accepts either a slash separator or a tuple:
g = gt.collection.ns["fresh_webs/AkatoreA"]
# or equivalently:
g = gt.collection.ns[("fresh_webs", "AkatoreA")]