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The network in this dataset can be loaded directly from graph-tool with:
import graph_tool.all as gt
g = gt.collection.ns["dbpedia_all"]

dbpedia_all — DBpedia network (v3.6)


A network among all entries in DBpedia, a project that extracts structured information from Wikipedia. Nodes represent entities in DBpedia and an edge connects two entities based on DBpedia's notion of their relatedness. The data is extracted from the version 3.6 of the database.1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Informational Relatedness Unweighted Multigraph
Upstream URL OK
Tip: hover your mouse over a table header to obtain a legend.
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
dbpedia_all 3,966,924 13,820,853 3.48 305.50 462.92 3010.68 -0.04 0.00 67 0.99 Directed Unipartite 80.5 MiB 137.8 MiB 134.6 MiB 117.6 MiB
None drawing
* These are automatically generated force-directed visualizations, and can be quite meaningless for networks both big and small. They should not be taken seriously as sources of scientific insight. See here for a discussion.