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Showing only entries with tags: Multigraph
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Name Title Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode $n$ Tags
bibsonomy BibSonomy 972,120 2,555,080 5.26 201.14 167.83 9651.27 -0.05 0.00 22 0.96 Undirected Bipartite 1 Informational Folksonomy Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
citeulike CiteULike 885,046 2,411,819 5.45 223.79 176.10 1739.49 -0.06 0.00 24 0.97 Undirected Bipartite 1 Informational Folksonomy Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
dblp_coauthor DBLP authors (2016) 1,824,701 29,487,744 32.32 99.31 285.00 1137.14 0.15 0.23 23 0.91 Undirected Unipartite 1 Social Collaboration Unweighted Multigraph Projection
dbpedia_all DBpedia network (v3.6) 3,966,924 13,820,853 3.48 305.50 462.92 3010.68 -0.04 0.00 67 0.99 Directed Unipartite 1 Informational Relatedness Unweighted Multigraph
delicious del.icio.us folksonomy networks 38,289,740 301,183,605 15.73 2210.24 1336.99 710.36 -0.17 0.00 26 0.97 Undirected Bipartite 3 Informational Folksonomy Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
digg_reply Digg reply network (2008) 30,398 87,627 2.88 11.73 28.31 26.22 0.04 0.01 12 0.98 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Online Unweighted Multigraph
digg_votes Digg story votes (2009) 142,962 3,018,197 42.22 217.76 572.48 2.17 -0.21 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite 1 Economic Preferences Multigraph Timestamps
discogs_affiliation Discogs artist-label affiliations 2,025,594 14,414,659 14.23 511.56 323.69 465.25 -0.08 0.00 22 0.95 Undirected Bipartite 1 Economic Employment Unweighted Multigraph
discogs_label Discogs label affiliations 270,786 4,147,665 30.63 3735.10 310.49 4.65 -0.55 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite 1 Informational Relatedness Unweighted Multigraph
dnc DNC emails (2016) 2,029 12,085 11.91 35.19 91.04 39.88 -0.09 0.56 8 0.42 Undirected Unipartite 1 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph
edit_wikibooks Wikipedia book edits (2010) 328,993 2,233,443 13.58 331.87 225.77 657.63 -0.12 0.00 13 0.95 Undirected Bipartite 118 Informational Web graph Multigraph Timestamps
edit_wikinews Wikipedia news edits (2010) 2,766,389 4,035,910 2.92 1560.39 154.80 1754.88 -0.49 0.00 13 1.00 Undirected Bipartite 33 Informational Web graph Multigraph Timestamps
edit_wikiquote Wikiquote edits (2010) 186,686 1,271,653 13.62 461.41 226.18 171.85 -0.22 0.00 12 0.96 Undirected Bipartite 83 Informational Web graph Multigraph Timestamps
edit_wiktionary Wiktionary edits (2010) 5,892,253 44,788,448 15.20 4944.76 2626.09 228.52 -0.28 0.00 13 1.00 Undirected Bipartite 171 Informational Web graph Multigraph Timestamps
email_company Manufacturing company email (2010) 167 82,927 496.57 1309.42 59.43 7.30 0.16 0.68 5 1.00 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
email_enron Email network (Enron corpus) 36,692 367,662 10.02 72.20 115.48 283.03 -0.11 0.09 13 0.92 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
facebook_wall Facebook wall posts (2009) 46,952 876,993 18.68 86.88 39.06 303.94 0.46 0.20 18 0.94 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Online Temporal Multigraph
internet_top_pop Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012) 754 899 2.38 0.85 1.78 1200.87 -0.10 0.03 58 1.00 Undirected Unipartite 261 Technological Communication Unweighted Multigraph Metadata
jdk Java SE Dev Kit dependencies ( 6,434 150,985 23.47 481.24 129.28 15.74 -0.22 0.02 7 1.00 Directed Unipartite 1 Technological Software Unweighted Multigraph
lkml_reply Linux kernel reply network 63,399 1,096,440 17.29 563.89 222.08 949.21 0.06 0.53 63 0.39 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
movielens_100k MovieLens 100K (1998) 24,129 95,580 7.92 22.20 40.18 39.85 -0.03 0.00 14 0.98 Undirected Bipartite 1 Informational Folksonomy Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
openflights Openflights airport network 3,214 66,771 20.78 109.43 68.15 51.53 0.00 0.34 12 0.99 Directed Unipartite 1 Transportation Airport Weighted Multigraph
openstreetmap U.S. OpenStreetMap roads (2018) 374,570 973,678 2.60 1.88 3.96 1413820.34 0.21 0.03 846 0.97 Directed Unipartite 91040 Transportation Roads Multigraph Unweighted
slashdot_threads Slashdot thread replies (2007) 51,083 140,778 2.76 23.21 45.57 69.58 -0.03 0.01 17 1.00 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
student_cooperation Student cooperation (2012) 185 360 3.89 1.68 3.38 153.60 0.37 0.49 17 0.76 Undirected Unipartite 1 Social Offline Multigraph Unweighted
topology Internet AS graph (2004) 34,761 171,403 9.86 83.89 151.44 55.38 -0.23 0.11 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite 1 Technological Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
visualizeus vi.sualize.us picture tagging network 577,437 2,298,816 7.96 559.95 279.27 341.29 -0.12 0.00 17 0.98 Undirected Bipartite 1 Informational Folksonomy Unweighted Multigraph
wiki_talk Wikipedia talk networks 2,987,535 24,981,163 8.36 643.23 608.78 715.22 -0.03 0.09 9 0.96 Directed Unipartite 28 Social Communication Unweighted Multigraph Timestamps
wikitree WikiTree genealogies (1400-2012) 1,382,751 9,192,212 6.65 13.41 116.48 130635.69 0.90 0.75 95 0.91 Directed Unipartite 1 Social Relationships Unweighted Multigraph
word_assoc Edinburgh word associations 23,132 312,342 13.50 46.92 97.95 2.39 -0.04 0.04 6 1.00 Directed Unipartite 1 Informational Language Unweighted Multigraph