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internet_top_pop — Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)


Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Technological Communication Unweighted Multigraph Metadata
Upstream URL OK
Tip: click on the table header to sort the list. Hover your mouse over it to obtain a legend.
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
Aarnet 19 24 2.53 0.99 1.84 16.19 0.03 0.07 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Abilene 11 14 2.55 0.50 1.61 6.65 0.07 0.13 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Abvt 23 31 2.70 1.04 1.93 13.49 -0.28 0.14 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Aconet 23 31 2.70 2.03 2.21 5.28 -0.40 0.06 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Agis 25 30 2.40 1.52 1.73 9.80 -0.51 0.04 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Ai3 10 9 1.80 1.78 1.00 2.89 -0.68 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Internal id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Airtel 16 37 4.62 4.40 3.74 2.06 -0.09 0.50 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Amres 25 24 1.92 1.35 1.00 42.86 -0.34 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Ans 18 25 2.78 0.85 2.00 6.83 -0.13 0.24 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Arn 30 29 1.93 2.68 1.00 15.91 -0.70 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Arnes 34 47 2.76 1.68 2.34 14.73 0.01 0.10 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Arpanet196912 4 4 2.00 0.71 1.00 0.68 -0.71 0.60 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Arpanet19706 9 10 2.22 0.63 1.27 6.93 -0.18 0.21 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Arpanet19719 18 22 2.44 0.68 1.65 14.11 0.01 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Arpanet19723 25 28 2.24 0.51 1.29 28.98 -0.48 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Arpanet19728 29 32 2.21 0.41 1.23 16.02 -0.24 0.00 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
AsnetAm 65 79 2.43 2.91 2.60 24.90 -0.29 0.07 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude doubted hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkType id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Atmnet 21 22 2.10 0.53 1.11 20.44 -0.19 0.00 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
AttMpls 25 57 4.56 2.26 4.53 4.68 -0.04 0.37 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Azrena 22 25 2.27 1.57 1.00 16.00 -0.20 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Internal id label type LinkLabel LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Bandcon 22 28 2.55 1.23 1.98 12.14 0.05 0.10 6 0.95 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Basnet 7 6 1.71 1.75 1.00 0.03 -1.00 0.00 2 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Bbnplanet 27 28 2.07 1.49 1.22 14.69 -0.51 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Bellcanada 48 65 2.71 1.27 2.08 65.69 -0.20 0.15 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Bellsouth 51 66 2.59 3.19 3.83 18.36 -0.29 0.11 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Belnet2003 23 43 3.74 4.28 4.34 4.68 -0.75 0.19 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2004 23 43 3.74 4.28 4.34 4.68 -0.75 0.19 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2005 23 44 3.83 4.34 4.43 5.00 -0.76 0.20 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2006 23 44 3.83 4.34 4.43 5.00 -0.76 0.20 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2007 21 31 2.95 1.70 1.39 12.32 0.30 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2008 21 31 2.95 1.70 1.39 12.32 0.30 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2009 21 31 2.95 1.70 1.39 12.32 0.30 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Belnet2010 22 32 2.91 1.68 1.36 12.32 0.31 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
BeyondTheNetwork 53 65 2.45 2.05 2.12 18.62 -0.50 0.04 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Bics 33 48 2.91 1.56 2.65 19.24 -0.01 0.16 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Biznet 29 33 2.28 0.64 1.35 49.09 -0.34 0.00 16 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Bren 37 38 2.05 1.66 1.17 22.43 -0.34 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
BsonetEurope 18 24 2.67 1.76 2.10 7.25 -0.43 0.09 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
BtAsiaPac 20 31 3.10 2.64 3.07 3.53 -0.55 0.18 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
BtEurope 24 37 3.08 3.11 3.44 3.71 -0.53 0.19 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
BtLatinAmerica 51 50 1.96 1.27 1.67 51.04 0.04 0.10 12 0.88 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
BtNorthAmerica 36 76 4.22 2.39 4.60 6.16 0.03 0.24 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Canerie 32 41 2.56 1.69 2.23 24.15 -0.30 0.11 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkStatus id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Carnet 44 43 1.95 3.01 1.00 19.47 -0.50 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB
Cernet 41 59 2.88 2.93 2.91 9.61 -0.32 0.13 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet1993 10 9 1.80 1.83 1.00 3.57 -0.76 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Cesnet1997 13 12 1.85 1.23 1.00 11.08 -0.44 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Cesnet1999 13 12 1.85 2.21 1.00 4.93 -0.77 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Cesnet2001 23 23 2.00 2.38 1.00 6.24 -0.46 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet200304 29 33 2.28 2.29 1.88 7.42 -0.35 0.08 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet200511 39 44 2.26 2.48 2.14 10.87 -0.36 0.05 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet200603 39 44 2.26 2.48 2.14 10.87 -0.36 0.05 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet200706 44 51 2.32 3.14 2.57 11.00 -0.42 0.07 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB
Cesnet201006 52 63 2.42 3.10 2.54 15.20 -0.37 0.07 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Chinanet 42 66 3.14 4.11 4.93 3.35 -0.47 0.18 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Claranet 15 18 2.40 1.58 1.86 5.19 -0.22 0.20 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Cogentco 197 245 2.49 1.06 2.30 270.24 0.02 0.02 28 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append hyperedge id label type LinkLabel id key 10 KiB 12 KiB 9 KiB 9 KiB
Colt 153 191 2.50 2.09 1.88 249.14 -0.34 0.03 20 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 8 KiB 9 KiB 7 KiB 7 KiB
Columbus 70 85 2.43 0.89 1.84 93.24 -0.16 0.06 18 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 3 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB
Compuserve 14 17 2.43 1.45 1.62 2.89 -0.35 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
CrlNetworkServices 33 38 2.30 0.72 1.37 26.92 -0.15 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cudi 51 52 2.04 2.31 1.28 28.22 -0.53 0.02 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Internal hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cwix 36 41 2.28 1.99 1.63 18.42 -0.51 0.02 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Cynet 30 29 1.93 2.71 1.00 16.65 -0.52 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Darkstrand 28 31 2.21 0.41 1.24 28.56 -0.25 0.00 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Dataxchange 6 11 3.67 1.25 3.00 0.79 -0.45 0.88 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Deltacom 113 183 3.24 1.84 2.62 111.31 0.32 0.11 23 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label id key 6 KiB 7 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB
DeutscheTelekom 39 62 3.18 2.22 4.02 10.04 0.08 0.29 6 0.77 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Dfn 58 87 3.00 2.71 3.46 10.05 -0.11 0.11 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
DialtelecomCz 193 151 1.56 1.22 1.52 276.38 -0.11 0.04 30 0.72 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 9 KiB 10 KiB 9 KiB 8 KiB
Digex 31 38 2.45 0.66 1.31 27.91 0.23 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Easynet 19 29 3.05 1.67 2.26 16.94 0.05 0.24 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Eenet 13 16 2.46 2.41 1.00 5.33 -0.63 0.07 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
EliBackbone 20 30 3.00 1.10 2.33 9.70 -0.04 0.17 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Epoch 6 7 2.33 0.47 1.35 1.44 -0.17 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Ernet 30 32 2.13 2.00 1.64 9.02 -0.32 0.03 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Esnet 68 92 2.71 3.05 2.30 32.53 -0.20 0.07 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Eunetworks 15 19 2.53 1.09 1.33 8.36 0.19 0.00 6 0.93 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Fatman 17 21 2.47 2.12 2.32 8.96 -0.49 0.17 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Fccn 23 27 2.35 2.94 1.78 10.76 -0.69 0.10 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Forthnet 62 62 2.00 3.13 1.00 21.26 -0.41 0.01 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Funet 26 31 2.38 1.04 1.43 19.76 -0.13 0.07 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkType id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Gambia 28 28 2.00 2.00 1.00 14.69 -0.34 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Garr199901 16 18 2.25 2.19 2.00 2.49 -0.53 0.20 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Garr199904 23 25 2.17 2.58 2.00 3.48 -0.62 0.11 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Garr199905 23 25 2.17 2.58 2.00 3.48 -0.62 0.11 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Garr200109 22 24 2.18 2.59 2.00 3.62 -0.62 0.12 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Garr200112 24 26 2.17 2.67 2.00 3.83 -0.64 0.10 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Garr200212 27 29 2.15 2.90 1.52 5.12 -0.63 0.05 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Garr200404 22 24 2.18 2.53 2.00 3.37 -0.61 0.12 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Garr200902 54 71 2.63 2.61 2.79 13.75 -0.21 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr200908 54 68 2.52 2.43 2.79 14.66 -0.27 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr200909 55 69 2.51 2.43 2.79 14.83 -0.27 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr200912 54 68 2.52 2.39 2.79 14.80 -0.27 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201001 54 68 2.52 2.39 2.79 14.80 -0.27 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201003 54 71 2.63 2.58 2.79 14.04 -0.20 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201004 54 71 2.63 2.58 2.79 14.04 -0.20 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201005 55 72 2.62 2.62 2.79 14.07 -0.21 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201007 55 74 2.69 2.66 2.79 14.47 -0.21 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201008 55 74 2.69 2.66 2.79 14.47 -0.21 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201010 56 75 2.68 2.67 2.79 14.64 -0.22 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201012 56 75 2.68 2.67 2.79 14.64 -0.22 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201101 56 76 2.71 2.76 2.79 14.25 -0.17 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201102 57 77 2.70 2.73 2.79 15.26 -0.15 0.08 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201103 58 81 2.79 2.82 2.79 15.87 -0.18 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201104 59 83 2.81 2.88 2.83 16.06 -0.19 0.07 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201105 59 84 2.85 2.91 2.86 16.45 -0.21 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201107 59 85 2.88 2.95 2.86 16.64 -0.21 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201108 59 85 2.88 2.95 2.86 16.64 -0.21 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201109 59 86 2.92 2.97 2.86 16.67 -0.22 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201110 59 87 2.95 3.02 2.86 16.68 -0.22 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201111 60 87 2.90 3.05 2.80 18.25 -0.24 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201112 61 89 2.92 3.07 2.80 18.40 -0.26 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Garr201201 61 89 2.92 3.07 2.80 18.40 -0.26 0.06 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits description id key label 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Gblnet 8 7 1.75 1.30 1.00 4.64 -0.73 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Geant2001 27 38 2.81 1.91 2.63 6.79 -0.18 0.05 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Geant2009 34 52 3.06 1.73 2.72 12.38 -0.17 0.19 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Geant2010 37 58 3.14 1.83 2.75 16.51 -0.33 0.16 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country geocode_id id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 3 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB
Geant2012 40 61 3.05 1.92 2.89 17.82 -0.20 0.14 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country geocode_id id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB
Getnet 7 8 2.29 1.03 1.42 1.66 -0.33 0.21 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Globalcenter 9 36 8.00 0.00 7.00 inf nan 1.00 1 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Globenet 67 113 3.37 1.85 2.78 52.70 0.34 0.12 15 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type id key 4 KiB 5 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Goodnet 17 31 3.65 2.76 4.00 2.03 -0.37 0.35 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Grena 16 15 1.88 0.86 1.00 25.85 -0.51 0.00 9 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Gridnet 9 20 4.44 0.50 3.51 1.96 0.20 0.60 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Grnet 37 47 2.54 2.47 2.13 9.92 -0.07 0.08 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
GtsCe 149 193 2.59 1.23 2.29 229.42 -0.09 0.09 21 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append geocode_id hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 7 KiB 9 KiB 7 KiB 7 KiB
GtsCzechRepublic 32 33 2.06 1.32 1.11 25.94 -0.41 0.00 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
GtsHungary 30 31 2.07 2.87 1.17 15.32 -0.50 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
GtsPoland 33 37 2.24 1.18 1.36 21.43 -0.40 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude doubted hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
GtsRomania 21 24 2.29 2.35 1.87 5.07 -0.49 0.07 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
GtsSlovakia 35 37 2.11 2.94 1.52 11.29 -0.61 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Harnet 21 25 2.38 1.96 1.54 10.95 -0.42 0.00 5 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Internal id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Heanet 7 13 3.71 2.19 2.40 0.92 -0.55 0.48 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label x y id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HiberniaCanada 13 14 2.15 0.66 1.21 8.46 -0.34 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HiberniaGlobal 55 81 2.95 1.05 2.54 94.21 0.22 0.16 16 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
HiberniaIreland 8 8 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.93 -0.78 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HiberniaNireland 18 22 2.44 0.60 1.41 12.11 -0.07 0.09 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HiberniaUk 15 15 2.00 0.52 1.00 10.72 -0.34 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HiberniaUs 22 29 2.64 0.98 2.06 21.45 0.09 0.16 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Highwinds 18 53 5.89 3.41 3.27 6.91 0.17 0.22 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
HostwayInternational 16 21 2.62 0.86 1.95 15.81 0.05 0.30 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
HurricaneElectric 24 37 3.08 2.06 3.02 7.43 -0.25 0.21 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Ibm 18 24 2.67 0.82 1.83 5.61 -0.08 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Iij 37 66 3.57 4.08 4.72 8.99 -0.41 0.25 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Iinet 31 35 2.26 2.46 2.15 4.99 -0.45 0.02 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Ilan 14 15 2.14 2.23 1.41 3.89 -0.98 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Integra 27 36 2.67 1.22 1.91 12.04 -0.37 0.15 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Intellifiber 73 97 2.66 1.28 2.24 71.43 0.02 0.11 15 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label id key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
Internetmci 19 45 4.74 2.34 3.13 6.17 -0.35 0.27 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Internode 66 78 2.36 2.59 2.60 16.65 -0.35 0.05 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Interoute 110 158 2.87 1.23 2.10 85.63 -0.09 0.08 17 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 6 KiB 7 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB
Intranetwork 39 53 2.72 1.06 2.10 74.51 0.14 0.19 16 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append hyperedge id label id key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Ion 125 150 2.40 0.86 1.54 182.05 -0.28 0.01 25 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 6 KiB 7 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB
IowaStatewideFiberMap 33 41 2.48 1.05 1.71 19.55 -0.32 0.08 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Iris 51 64 2.51 1.04 1.85 38.13 -0.13 0.02 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkStatus key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Istar 23 23 2.00 1.69 1.00 17.72 -0.48 0.05 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Itnet 11 10 1.82 2.59 1.00 0.03 -1.00 0.00 2 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Janetbackbone 29 45 3.10 2.25 2.82 8.97 -0.40 0.11 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id id label type LinkLabel key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
JanetExternal 12 10 1.67 1.31 1.00 5.22 -0.46 0.00 4 0.83 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Janetlense 20 40 4.00 5.07 4.19 1.82 -0.78 0.14 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Jgn2Plus 18 17 1.89 1.66 1.00 20.53 -0.49 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Karen 25 30 2.40 1.65 1.64 17.60 -0.40 0.04 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkStatus key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Kdl 754 899 2.38 0.85 1.78 1200.87 -0.10 0.03 58 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 35 KiB 38 KiB 32 KiB 30 KiB
KentmanApr2007 23 24 2.09 2.02 1.41 7.02 -0.41 0.00 6 0.96 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
KentmanAug2005 28 29 2.07 1.91 1.75 18.79 -0.26 0.07 8 0.96 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
KentmanFeb2008 26 28 2.15 2.16 1.41 8.42 -0.40 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
KentmanJan2011 38 39 2.05 2.53 1.00 24.62 -0.58 0.02 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
KentmanJul2005 16 17 2.12 1.49 1.28 8.91 -0.59 0.08 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Kreonet 13 12 1.85 2.14 1.00 4.13 -0.68 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
LambdaNet 42 46 2.19 0.88 1.27 60.52 -0.48 0.00 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label id key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Latnet 69 74 2.14 3.54 2.03 60.57 -0.29 0.02 12 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB
Layer42 6 7 2.33 1.11 1.52 1.60 -0.60 0.46 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Litnet 43 43 2.00 2.88 1.00 13.89 -0.75 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Marnet 20 27 2.70 3.73 3.03 1.79 -0.74 0.13 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Marwan 16 18 2.25 1.35 1.27 8.68 -0.09 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Missouri 67 83 2.48 0.95 1.84 55.71 -0.07 0.04 14 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkStatus key 4 KiB 5 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Mren 6 5 1.67 1.49 1.00 0.03 -1.00 0.00 2 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Myren 37 40 2.16 3.26 1.89 5.72 -0.53 0.04 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Napnet 6 7 2.33 1.37 1.52 0.87 -0.77 0.40 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Netrail 7 10 2.86 1.12 1.99 1.28 -0.52 0.39 2 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
NetworkUsa 35 39 2.23 0.72 1.35 26.88 -0.13 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Nextgen 17 20 2.35 0.59 1.27 23.11 0.11 0.00 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Niif 36 41 2.28 2.28 1.82 9.14 -0.24 0.04 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Noel 19 25 2.63 1.27 2.05 8.54 -0.10 0.11 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Nordu1989 7 6 1.71 1.39 1.00 2.18 -0.78 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Nordu1997 14 13 1.86 2.39 1.00 5.09 -0.78 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Nordu2005 9 10 2.22 2.15 1.00 2.07 -0.76 0.09 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Nordu2010 18 17 1.89 1.73 1.00 4.93 -0.36 0.07 4 0.83 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Nsfcnet 10 10 2.00 1.55 1.37 2.89 -0.53 0.14 4 0.90 Undirected Unipartite Internal id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Nsfnet 13 15 2.31 0.99 1.44 4.03 -0.22 0.00 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkType id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Ntelos 48 61 2.54 1.00 1.82 59.89 0.05 0.05 17 0.98 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkStatus LinkType key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Ntt 47 216 9.19 14.12 4.62 4.48 0.09 0.38 6 0.68 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 3 KiB 5 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Oteglobe 93 106 2.28 1.42 1.75 59.09 -0.08 0.03 14 0.89 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel id key 5 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB
Oxford 20 26 2.60 0.86 1.94 15.76 0.18 0.18 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Pacificwave 18 27 3.00 3.27 1.99 4.10 -0.42 0.16 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Packetexchange 21 27 2.57 0.95 1.74 23.80 -0.43 0.12 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Padi 15 6 0.80 1.47 1.00 0.01 -1.00 0.00 2 0.47 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkStatus key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Palmetto 45 70 3.11 1.14 2.17 38.09 -0.20 0.14 12 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Peer1 16 20 2.50 1.17 1.88 5.53 -0.04 0.15 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Pern 127 129 2.03 4.26 1.53 129.34 -0.67 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
PionierL1 36 41 2.28 0.90 1.42 25.66 -0.30 0.00 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
PionierL3 38 52 2.74 1.79 1.77 17.35 0.00 0.06 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Psinet 24 25 2.08 0.81 1.17 22.72 -0.37 0.09 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Quest 20 31 3.10 1.34 2.72 6.23 0.20 0.18 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
RedBestel 84 101 2.40 1.20 1.62 191.26 0.11 0.02 28 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append geocode_id hyperedge id label LinkLabel LinkType id key 4 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB
Rediris 19 32 3.37 2.23 3.00 4.63 -0.24 0.23 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Renam 5 4 1.60 1.20 1.00 0.01 -1.00 0.00 2 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Renater1999 24 23 1.92 1.85 1.00 13.17 -0.30 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Renater2001 24 27 2.25 1.83 1.58 8.75 -0.33 0.00 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Renater2004 30 36 2.40 2.63 1.93 7.81 -0.42 0.04 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Renater2006 33 43 2.61 2.07 2.20 9.59 -0.26 0.11 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Renater2008 33 43 2.61 2.07 2.20 9.59 -0.26 0.11 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Renater2010 43 56 2.60 1.69 2.19 20.82 -0.15 0.10 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Restena 19 21 2.21 1.82 1.44 6.22 -0.57 0.00 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Reuna 37 36 1.95 1.21 1.00 46.64 -0.22 0.00 12 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Rhnet 16 18 2.25 0.90 1.37 16.89 -0.32 0.21 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Rnp 31 34 2.19 1.28 1.52 34.51 -0.21 0.00 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Roedunet 42 50 2.38 3.57 2.31 6.57 -0.38 0.07 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id id label type LinkLabel LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
RoedunetFibre 48 52 2.17 1.31 1.41 52.37 -0.32 0.00 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label type LinkLabel id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Sago 18 17 1.89 0.46 1.00 40.35 0.00 0.00 14 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Sanet 43 45 2.09 1.07 1.18 42.86 -0.25 0.00 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Sanren 7 7 2.00 0.00 1.00 2.12 nan 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Savvis 19 20 2.11 0.64 1.13 15.79 -0.27 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Shentel 28 35 2.50 0.91 1.92 36.48 0.32 0.14 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel LinkStatus id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Sinet 74 76 2.05 2.79 1.36 37.83 -0.53 0.00 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 4 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Singaren 11 10 1.82 2.59 1.00 0.03 -1.00 0.00 2 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Internal id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Spiralight 15 16 2.13 0.50 1.15 12.63 -0.14 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Sprint 11 18 3.27 1.42 2.65 2.09 -0.30 0.29 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Sunet 26 49 3.77 1.25 1.63 29.09 -0.27 0.04 12 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label LinkLabel key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Surfnet 50 73 2.92 1.78 2.65 28.31 -0.05 0.08 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Switch 74 92 2.49 1.55 1.95 63.15 -0.37 0.08 13 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country geocode_id hyperedge id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
SwitchL3 42 63 3.00 2.29 3.08 11.63 -0.36 0.15 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 3 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Syringa 74 74 2.00 1.03 1.00 249.13 -0.35 0.00 31 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type id key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
TataNld 145 194 2.68 1.16 1.99 186.84 -0.13 0.06 28 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 6 KiB 8 KiB 7 KiB 6 KiB
Telcove 73 70 1.92 3.22 1.00 43.85 -0.44 0.00 7 0.97 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append id label type LinkLabel key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
Telecomserbia 6 6 2.00 0.00 1.00 1.44 nan 0.00 3 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel key 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Tinet 53 89 3.36 1.81 3.46 43.67 0.04 0.21 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
TLex 12 16 2.67 2.56 1.52 2.62 -0.72 0.14 3 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkStatus LinkType id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Tw 76 118 3.11 2.30 3.59 21.47 0.00 0.13 8 0.93 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
Twaren 20 20 2.00 2.10 1.00 5.90 -0.68 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Internal id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Ulaknet 82 82 2.00 6.44 1.00 15.86 -0.65 0.00 4 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
UniC 25 29 2.32 1.41 1.34 33.09 -0.28 0.05 11 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Uninet 13 25 3.85 1.79 2.07 5.35 -0.17 0.11 5 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Internal id label id key 1 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB
Uninett2010 74 101 2.73 1.55 2.69 29.98 0.14 0.07 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
Uninett2011 69 98 2.84 1.72 2.79 22.78 0.20 0.06 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 4 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB 4 KiB
Uran 24 24 2.00 1.63 1.00 22.17 -0.31 0.00 8 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
UsCarrier 158 189 2.39 0.82 1.69 402.10 -0.10 0.06 35 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 8 KiB 9 KiB 7 KiB 7 KiB
UsSignal 63 79 2.51 0.92 1.74 60.55 -0.21 0.00 14 0.97 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_id hyperedge id label id key 4 KiB 5 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Uunet 49 84 3.43 2.84 4.88 10.84 0.05 0.23 8 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkNote LinkType id key 3 KiB 4 KiB 3 KiB 3 KiB
Vinaren 25 26 2.08 1.94 1.35 20.01 -0.54 0.08 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_country id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
VisionNet 24 23 1.92 0.76 1.00 45.29 -0.43 0.00 12 1.00 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
VtlWavenet2008 88 92 2.09 0.32 1.13 210.25 -0.12 0.00 31 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append hyperedge id label type id key 5 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB
VtlWavenet2011 92 96 2.09 0.35 1.13 210.80 -0.12 0.00 31 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude geocode_append hyperedge id label type id key 5 KiB 6 KiB 5 KiB 4 KiB
WideJpn 30 33 2.20 1.99 1.81 17.15 -0.44 0.09 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label LinkLabel LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Xeex 24 34 2.83 1.37 2.17 9.95 -0.24 0.14 6 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Xspedius 34 49 2.88 1.21 2.18 11.49 -0.03 0.03 7 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label type id key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
York 23 24 2.09 0.65 1.13 26.98 -0.51 0.10 10 1.00 Undirected Unipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude id label id key 2 KiB 2 KiB 1 KiB 2 KiB
Zamren 36 34 1.89 1.76 1.00 74.47 -0.69 0.00 10 0.97 Undirected Bipartite Country Internal Latitude Longitude hyperedge id label type LinkLabel LinkNote LinkSpeed LinkSpeedRaw LinkSpeedUnits LinkType key 2 KiB 3 KiB 2 KiB 2 KiB
Aarnet drawing
Abilene drawing
Abvt drawing
Aconet drawing
Agis drawing
Ai3 drawing
Airtel drawing
Amres drawing
Ans drawing
Arn drawing
Arnes drawing
Arpanet196912 drawing
Arpanet19706 drawing
Arpanet19719 drawing
Arpanet19723 drawing
Arpanet19728 drawing
AsnetAm drawing
Atmnet drawing
AttMpls drawing
Azrena drawing
Bandcon drawing
Basnet drawing
Bbnplanet drawing
Bellcanada drawing
Bellsouth drawing
Belnet2003 drawing
Belnet2004 drawing
Belnet2005 drawing
Belnet2006 drawing
Belnet2007 drawing
Belnet2008 drawing
Belnet2009 drawing
Belnet2010 drawing
BeyondTheNetwork drawing
Bics drawing
Biznet drawing
Bren drawing
BsonetEurope drawing
BtAsiaPac drawing
BtEurope drawing
BtLatinAmerica drawing
BtNorthAmerica drawing
Canerie drawing
Carnet drawing
Cernet drawing
Cesnet1993 drawing
Cesnet1997 drawing
Cesnet1999 drawing
Cesnet2001 drawing
Cesnet200304 drawing
Cesnet200511 drawing
Cesnet200603 drawing
Cesnet200706 drawing
Cesnet201006 drawing
Chinanet drawing
Claranet drawing
Cogentco drawing
Colt drawing
Columbus drawing
Compuserve drawing
CrlNetworkServices drawing
Cudi drawing
Cwix drawing
Cynet drawing
Darkstrand drawing
Dataxchange drawing
Deltacom drawing
DeutscheTelekom drawing
Dfn drawing
DialtelecomCz drawing
Digex drawing
Easynet drawing
Eenet drawing
EliBackbone drawing
Epoch drawing
Ernet drawing
Esnet drawing
Eunetworks drawing
Evolink drawing
Fatman drawing
Fccn drawing
Forthnet drawing
Funet drawing
Gambia drawing
Garr199901 drawing
Garr199904 drawing
Garr199905 drawing
Garr200109 drawing
Garr200112 drawing
Garr200212 drawing
Garr200404 drawing
Garr200902 drawing
Garr200908 drawing
Garr200909 drawing
Garr200912 drawing
Garr201001 drawing
Garr201003 drawing
Garr201004 drawing
Garr201005 drawing
Garr201007 drawing
Garr201008 drawing
Garr201010 drawing
Garr201012 drawing
Garr201101 drawing
Garr201102 drawing
Garr201103 drawing
Garr201104 drawing
Garr201105 drawing
Garr201107 drawing
Garr201108 drawing
Garr201109 drawing
Garr201110 drawing
Garr201111 drawing
Garr201112 drawing
Garr201201 drawing
Gblnet drawing
Geant2001 drawing
Geant2009 drawing
Geant2010 drawing
Geant2012 drawing
Getnet drawing
Globalcenter drawing
Globenet drawing
Goodnet drawing
Grena drawing
Gridnet drawing
Grnet drawing
GtsCe drawing
GtsCzechRepublic drawing
GtsHungary drawing
GtsPoland drawing
GtsRomania drawing
GtsSlovakia drawing
Harnet drawing
Heanet drawing
HiberniaCanada drawing
HiberniaGlobal drawing
HiberniaIreland drawing
HiberniaNireland drawing
HiberniaUk drawing
HiberniaUs drawing
Highwinds drawing
HostwayInternational drawing
HurricaneElectric drawing
Ibm drawing
Iij drawing
Iinet drawing
Ilan drawing
Integra drawing
Intellifiber drawing
Internetmci drawing
Internode drawing
Interoute drawing
Intranetwork drawing
Ion drawing
IowaStatewideFiberMap drawing
Iris drawing
Istar drawing
Itnet drawing
Janetbackbone drawing
JanetExternal drawing
Janetlense drawing
Jgn2Plus drawing
Karen drawing
Kdl drawing
KentmanApr2007 drawing
KentmanAug2005 drawing
KentmanFeb2008 drawing
KentmanJan2011 drawing
KentmanJul2005 drawing
Kreonet drawing
LambdaNet drawing
Latnet drawing
Layer42 drawing
Litnet drawing
Marnet drawing
Marwan drawing
Missouri drawing
Mren drawing
Myren drawing
Napnet drawing
Navigata drawing
Netrail drawing
NetworkUsa drawing
Nextgen drawing
Niif drawing
Noel drawing
Nordu1989 drawing
Nordu1997 drawing
Nordu2005 drawing
Nordu2010 drawing
Nsfcnet drawing
Nsfnet drawing
Ntelos drawing
Ntt drawing
Oteglobe drawing
Oxford drawing
Pacificwave drawing
Packetexchange drawing
Padi drawing
Palmetto drawing
Peer1 drawing
Pern drawing
PionierL1 drawing
PionierL3 drawing
Psinet drawing
Quest drawing
RedBestel drawing
Rediris drawing
Renam drawing
Renater1999 drawing
Renater2001 drawing
Renater2004 drawing
Renater2006 drawing
Renater2008 drawing
Renater2010 drawing
Restena drawing
Reuna drawing
Rhnet drawing
Rnp drawing
Roedunet drawing
RoedunetFibre drawing
Sago drawing
Sanet drawing
Sanren drawing
Savvis drawing
Shentel drawing
Sinet drawing
Singaren drawing
Spiralight drawing
Sprint drawing
Sunet drawing
Surfnet drawing
Switch drawing
SwitchL3 drawing
Syringa drawing
TataNld drawing
Telcove drawing
Telecomserbia drawing
Tinet drawing
TLex drawing
Tw drawing
Twaren drawing
Ulaknet drawing
UniC drawing
Uninet drawing
Uninett2010 drawing
Uninett2011 drawing
Uran drawing
UsCarrier drawing
UsSignal drawing
Uunet drawing
Vinaren drawing
VisionNet drawing
VtlWavenet2008 drawing
VtlWavenet2011 drawing
WideJpn drawing
Xeex drawing
Xspedius drawing
York drawing
Zamren drawing