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The networks in this dataset can be loaded directly from graph-tool with:
import graph_tool.all as gt
g = gt.collection.ns["mislove_osn/flickr"]
(and likewise for the other networks available.)

mislove_osn — Mislove et al. OSNs (2006-2007)


Network structure for four large online social networks: Flickr (2007), LiveJournal (2006), Orkut (2006), and YouTube (2007). Edges are given as directed, even in Orkut. Each network includes a list of user groups and their users1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Social Online Unweighted
Upstream URL OK
Tip: click on the table header to sort the list. Hover your mouse over it to obtain a legend.
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
flickr 1,715,255 22,613,981 13.18 183.35 1238.63 894.45 0.02 0.13 24 0.95 Directed Unipartite vid group 46.2 MiB 99.9 MiB 97.1 MiB 82.8 MiB
livejournal 5,204,176 77,402,652 14.87 71.17 539.58 24062.12 0.09 0.15 23 1.00 Directed Unipartite vid group 189.9 MiB 362.2 MiB 349.4 MiB 324.1 MiB
orkut 3,072,441 223,534,301 72.75 292.69 776.75 192.49 0.02 0.04 10 1.00 Directed Unipartite vid group 515.4 MiB 930.6 MiB 898.2 MiB 859.8 MiB
youtube 1,138,499 4,945,382 4.34 87.98 185.14 456.21 -0.03 0.01 24 1.00 Directed Unipartite vid group 13.0 MiB 25.0 MiB 24.3 MiB 22.8 MiB