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g = gt.collection.ns["qa_user/stackoverflow_all"]
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qa_user — User interactions on Q&A websites (2016)


Networks of interactions among users from four online Q&A sites: Stack Overflow, Math Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu. A directed edge (i,j) indicates a user i responded to user j's post. Edges are timestamped. For each Q&A site, four differently defined networks are provided, based on the definition of an edge: (i) a user answered a question, (ii) a user commented on a question, (iii) a user commented on an answer, and (iv) the union of these three types.1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Social Online Unweighted Timestamps
  • A. Paranjape, A. R. Benson, & J. Leskovec, "Motifs in Temporal Networks". In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 601–610. (2017), https://doi.org/10.1145/3018661.3018731 [@sci-hub]
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Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
stackoverflow_all 2,601,977 63,497,050 24.40 436.50 713.99 47.91 0.25 0.04 11 0.99 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 361.8 MiB 469.2 MiB 457.8 MiB 476.3 MiB
stackoverflow_a2q 2,464,606 17,823,525 7.23 89.84 350.01 28.47 -0.03 0.01 13 0.98 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 123.5 MiB 153.2 MiB 151.2 MiB 167.1 MiB
stackoverflow_c2q 1,655,353 20,268,151 12.24 159.43 287.15 95.34 -0.05 0.00 12 0.98 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 113.7 MiB 143.9 MiB 140.6 MiB 152.4 MiB
stackoverflow_c2a 1,646,338 25,405,374 15.43 309.58 457.47 146.59 0.44 0.07 16 0.99 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 132.9 MiB 177.9 MiB 172.4 MiB 181.3 MiB
mathoverflow_all 24,818 506,550 20.41 232.49 195.43 21.78 0.22 0.23 9 0.99 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 2.8 MiB 4.0 MiB 3.9 MiB 3.8 MiB
mathoverflow_a2q 21,688 107,581 4.96 44.54 97.34 17.64 -0.01 0.10 10 0.98 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 910 KiB 1.3 MiB 1.3 MiB 1.2 MiB
mathoverflow_c2q 16,836 203,639 12.10 103.18 108.45 25.73 0.16 0.11 8 0.99 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 1.3 MiB 1.7 MiB 1.7 MiB 1.6 MiB
mathoverflow_c2a 13,840 195,330 14.11 154.24 124.97 25.31 0.38 0.26 9 0.98 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 1.1 MiB 1.6 MiB 1.6 MiB 1.4 MiB
superuser_all 194,085 1,443,339 7.44 152.37 202.37 78.00 0.07 0.03 12 0.97 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 10.2 MiB 14.8 MiB 14.5 MiB 14.2 MiB
superuser_a2q 167,981 430,033 2.56 30.92 97.67 181.22 -0.05 0.01 14 0.92 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 5.2 MiB 7.2 MiB 7.1 MiB 6.8 MiB
superuser_c2q 94,548 479,067 5.07 97.01 94.65 49.23 -0.06 0.00 13 0.96 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 3.9 MiB 5.4 MiB 5.3 MiB 5.2 MiB
superuser_c2a 101,052 534,239 5.29 102.53 131.69 102.81 0.40 0.07 13 0.94 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 4.3 MiB 6.1 MiB 5.9 MiB 5.7 MiB
askubuntu_all 159,316 964,437 6.05 119.11 151.60 73.09 0.15 0.04 13 0.96 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 7.3 MiB 10.5 MiB 10.3 MiB 9.9 MiB
askubuntu_a2q 137,517 280,102 2.04 25.51 75.70 60.15 -0.02 0.02 15 0.88 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 3.8 MiB 5.3 MiB 5.3 MiB 5.0 MiB
askubuntu_c2q 79,155 327,513 4.14 55.61 68.44 46.13 -0.11 0.01 13 0.94 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 2.8 MiB 3.9 MiB 3.9 MiB 3.7 MiB
askubuntu_c2a 75,555 356,822 4.72 88.34 99.08 66.60 0.38 0.07 13 0.93 Directed Unipartite vid timestamp 2.9 MiB 4.1 MiB 4.1 MiB 3.8 MiB