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The network in this dataset can be loaded directly from graph-tool with:
import graph_tool.all as gt
g = gt.collection.ns["wikipedia-en-talk"]

wikipedia-en-talk — en-Wikipedia talk network (2008)


Nodes in the network represent (English) Wikipedia users and a directed edge from node i to node j represents that user i at least once edited a talk page of user j. The network contains all users and posts from the inception of Wikipedia till January 2008.1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Social Communication Unweighted
Upstream URL OK
Tip: hover your mouse over a table header to obtain a legend.
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
wikipedia-en-talk 2,394,385 5,021,410 2.10 106.20 350.71 59.01 -0.06 0.00 11 1.00 Directed Unipartite 10.9 MiB 19.2 MiB 17.9 MiB 21.1 MiB