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The networks in this dataset can be loaded directly from graph-tool with:
import graph_tool.all as gt
g = gt.collection.ns["dblp_simplices/max-25-bip"]
(and likewise for the other networks available.)

dblp_simplices — DBLP coauthor simplices (2017)


A hypergraph representing collaborations among authors listed in DBLP, the computer science bibliographic database, as of 3 Sept. 2017. Each node represents an author, and each publication is represented by a simplex (a set of nodes, i.e., a hyperedge), timestamped by the year of publication. In addition to the hypergraph, a weighted projection of the same network is available.1

  1. Description obtained from the ICON project. 

Social Collaboration Unweighted Timestamps Hypergraph Weighted Projection
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Tip: click on the table header to sort the list. Hover your mouse over it to obtain a legend.
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
max-25-bip 5,630,445 10,304,422 3.66 9.98 26.20 1700.20 -0.12 0.00 45 0.91 Undirected Bipartite label is_simplex time 42.9 MiB 76.6 MiB 68.0 MiB 80.3 MiB
max-25-proj 1,930,378 14,103,414 14.61 46.32 119.13 592.37 0.14 0.20 22 0.86 Undirected Unipartite label time 43.7 MiB 84.3 MiB 72.8 MiB 69.4 MiB
full-bip 5,631,059 10,326,841 3.67 9.99 26.20 1700.20 -0.12 0.00 45 0.91 Undirected Bipartite label is_simplex time 42.9 MiB 76.8 MiB 68.1 MiB 80.5 MiB
full-proj 1,930,378 14,639,786 15.17 47.88 282.83 592.37 0.15 0.23 22 0.86 Undirected Unipartite label time 44.0 MiB 86.1 MiB 74.1 MiB 70.9 MiB